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anal fissure

What is an anal fissure?

This is a tear in the anal skin and mucous membrane, which subsequently becomes chronically inflamed and forms a narrow ulcer that constantly reopens and does not heal. These tears are mainly noticed from the back (towards the coccyx) of the anus. This can result in high pressure from the anal sphincter, which sits under the mucous membrane. The reason the wound does not heal is poor circulation, which in turn is due to increased resting pressure of the anal sphincter. A fold of skin often forms on the outside of the fissure.


Fissures can also be caused by manipulation and infections, in which case the right treatment must be found, which is why it is advisable not to keep such processes secret.


The main complaint is sharp, burning pain during bowel movements. Occasionally, the pain can be felt very strongly even without bowel movements and leads to very painful anal cramps. The cramps also prevent the fissure from healing. When bowel movements occur, the ulcer ruptures and can bleed. Occasionally, itching occurs.


Treatment is recommended with medication. In addition, local anesthetic ointments are used and soft stools are ensured. Alternatively, the fissure can be removed completely.


Anal care should not be done by wiping, but by showering the anus. Bidetility is helpful in this case, as it allows for gentle and effective cleaning of the anal area without exerting friction or pressure on the sensitive skin. Using a pod shower can avoid additional stress on the anal area, as wiping with toilet paper is often painful and irritates the skin. A pod shower with an adjustable water temperature and intensity allows cleaning to be adapted to individual needs and sensitivities.

To the shop

Benefits of a Butt Shower


Do something good for your intimate area: Thorough cleaning with water


Cleansing for sensitive or irritated skin, e.g. irritable bowel syndrome or hemorrhoids


Trusted by 1,600+ midwives and 140+ proctologists

intimate shower

During pregnancy, postpartum, menstruation or simply for daily well-being

environmentally friendly

Less paper, more flora and fauna. For every bidet sold we plant a tree


Reduces toilet paper consumption and saves money


The foldable pod shower works without electricity


Replaces wet wipes and expensively installed bidets